Staff: You tried out bartending in the last SONE NOTE LIVE, but this time you tried decorating a Christmas bottle that requires creativity. How was it?
Sunny: Today needed some aesthetic work (laughs). However, I’m actually not such a skillful person. I don’t really have confidence in making things… Does it look like I do? (laughs) I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do it well, but I received advice from the instructor and fortunately I think it came out cute.
Staff: You made two different types, which was more fun?
Sunny: I like both the Christmas bottle and snow globe. They both were glittery and I really like them!
Staff: What part was difficult?
Sunny: Adding water into the snow globe. There has to be just the right amount of water otherwise air will rise to the top, but it was hard to control because no matter how much water was added, bubbles of air would appear.
Staff: You were really good with using the glue gun!
Sunny: My mother likes to craft things so I’ve made things together with her, and I sometimes help out the stylists when they remake clothes. I was able to use a glue gun because of those experiences.
Staff: Do you usually make cute accessories?
Sunny: I feel a little awkward carrying cute accessories…I feel really embarrassed (laughs) I like cute things, but I’m the type that can’t buy or make them by myself.
Staff: What was the creative point this time?
Sunny: Glitter! I wanted to make it cute with glittery colors and shapes. I added a lot of pink and heart shaped glitter, but since SONE’s color is pink, then their shape are hearts! As expected, I’m getting a little embarrassed (laughs)
Staff: You used a lot of pink today, but what color is in your room the most?
Sunny: Now that you mention it, I do like pink. My bed covers are pink, and so is my sofa! It seems like I choose pink for large furniture.
Staff: From all the parts available, what made you choose those parts when you made the Christmas bottle? Please share if there was an image you had!
Sunny: The image for the Christmas bottle was “Winter”. Winder kind of has a lonely feel to it, right? It’s essentially a cold and lonely season. That’s exactly why I believe you can feel the importance of spending time together with those you love. The little bunny that I put in the Christmas bottle is alone, but it doesn’t look that way since it’s with glitter. I tried selecting and adding in small items that I thought would be cute when matched with each other, but when I was working, for some reason I got a little awkward…I’m kind of embarrassed (laughs)
Staff: Do you like small animals?
Sunny: I live together with a cat so I like cats the most, but I also like animals like ferrets and otters. Aren’t they cute? Since I can’t see them very easily, I think they’re even cuter. I also like to see videos of those animals! Today I thought for a second that it’d be great if there were small figures of ferrets and otters, but once I thought it through, they wouldn’t match with winter (laughs)
Staff: Up until now, have you ever handmade any Christmas decorations before?
Sunny: Not until now. On shows I might have decorated trees once or twice for work. I believe today is my first time, since I don’t really make accessories by myself or decorate my home’s interior.
Staff: Do you have the inclination to make some from now?
Sunny: I don’t think so (laughs) Since I can’t make them well, it might be better if I just buy cute things from stores (laughs) Something that someone made perfectly cute! If I made it like today, then I feel bad for those goods’ materials (laughs)
Staff: But you made them so cute! Do you decorate your home for Christmas?
Sunny: I haven’t done that before. I’ve put out Christmas trees that fans have given me, but I don’t think I’ve ever changed the interior to match the seasons before.
Staff: If you were to give a Christmas bottle to a member, what kind of image would you make it with? Please share if there are certain parts that would specifically fit this member.
Sunny: When you think of Christmas, you think of Santa Claus and Rudolph, right? Rudolph is a reindeer, but he looks like a deer, right? Yoona looks like a deer so it might be nice if I added a deer in the middle of the bottle and give it to her as a present. Christmas bottles and snow globes have the feeling of Christmas, but before Christmas is Halloween. Taeyeon really likes Halloween! It’d be good to give her a Halloween styled one.
Staff: If other members tried making Christmas bottles, who do you think would make them well? Please give a reason, too.
Sunny: Everyone would be bad at it? (laughs) If I have to choose, then Taeyeon? She likes to make things quietly alone at home, so I think she would definitely make it well. Probably 100% in the image of Halloween. Taeyeon just likes Halloween. She would probably make a chilling, scary, and grotesque snow globe (laughs) But, all the members usually see a lot of cute things, so I feel that they’d make Christmas bottles well.
Staff: The Christmas bottle seem like it would contribute greatly to a winter themed interior, but please share if you have a favorite interior item in your room!
Sunny: My sofa! The sofa I mentioned earlier that’s pink. I bought it because I really liked it (laughs) My home is mainly white, so it would feel kind of frivolous to have the sofa also be white. I don’t really like dark colors and I don’t think it would suit my home, so among bright colors I chose pink. I like it because it fortunately really suits my home.
Staff: You handmade interior goods today, but what kind of interior do you have home?
Sunny: This is the first time I ever made an interior good. I don’t really make things by myself, but I receive a lot of presents that fans made by themselves. I have received dolls that look like me or my cat, Sogeum, as well as frames and pictures, etc. I really like them and I decorate my room with them.
Staff: If you were to decorate your finished Christmas bottle in your room, where would you place it?
Sunny: I think it would be cute placed on my bed side table, or placing it on top of my table and illuminating it with the lights off would be very cute! It would completely grasp the Christmas mood.
Staff: What do you usually fuss over when choosing interior items? Also, if there’s anything that you are trying to get, please share it with SONE JAPAN!
Sunny: I really just have what I need in my room, so I don’t have anything that can be called interior goods. I don’t have things like pictures on the walls. It might be because I just moved into my home recently, but my room is still simple and has nothing much in it. If one day I got the ability to decorate rooms wonderfully, I’d want to try a cute unified pink concept. I’d be really embarrassed that it’s cute, but it’s my room! No one else will see it (laughs). I like fluffy things like fur, so it’d be nice to decorate with things like that!
Staff: Have you and the members ever given each other interior goods or gone shopping for them before? If there was an present that made you happy, please share that story.
Sunny: When we are overseas, we go shopping together and look at interior accessories and home goods. I usually buy neck pillows. I love neck pillows (laughs) We ride in cars and planes a lot, so when I see a fluffy cushion and neck pillow I unconsciously buy it. Also, someone gave me a framed puzzle of a picture of me and Sogeum, and I really like it because I love puzzles and I love Sogeum. When I opened the wrapping after getting home, I was so surprised how cute it was! It’s not too big so it’s perfect for decorating my room.
Staff: Please share if there is something that you’ve come to like recently or if there’s something that you’re collecting.
Sunny: I actually like plastic models and puzzles, especially 3D puzzles and peculiar puzzles like those made from metal. When I see them I end up buying them. Even when I don’t have time to work on them immediately, I often make them at home alone when there’s a schedule change and I all of a sudden have time and don’t have to meet anyone. During those times, I open and try to make puzzles that I bought one by one, I’m not bored at all and the time just flies by! I feel love when I see my stack of unopened puzzles (laughs)
Staff: This year is SNSD’s 10th anniversary, but looking back are there any accomplishments that left an impression?
Sunny: As I expected, the first concert was the most memorable. Also, there are a lot of memories with SONE JAPAN, and if I was to choose just one, it would be the Japan debut showcase at Ariake. It was such a wondrous experience that I can’t put it into words. That time is also unforgettable.
Staff: Please share if there’s anything that you feel has changed or developed with the 10th anniversary.
Sunny: That’s from when I was 19 to 29 years old (laughs) Yes, I feel that a lot of things have changed…but I believe that I have achieved reliance. Long ago, everything was uneasy, and I was scared and worried…But even then, I behaved cheerfully so that those feelings wouldn’t show on the surface. Thinking about it now, I think I didn’t have enough confidence in myself. Because of that, I couldn’t really build trusting relationships around me, and I was uneasy about a lot of things. Now, I have enough reliance towards myself that I have trust in those around me, and because I have trusting relationships with the fans, I don’t really have any more uneasiness or worries like before.
Staff: Finally, a message for SONE JAPAN please!
Source: SONE JAPAN website