Staff: You tried making botanical candles this time! Have you used them before?
Yoona: I haven’t. I know what they are and have seen them in stores, but today is the first time for me to make them and use them! Candle making has gotten popular recently and since I’ve heard that they’re fun to make I wanted to try it out myself, but I couldn’t get around to it… So this is my first experience making candles!
Staff: Do you usually use candles?
Yoona: I always light aroma candles at home, and I light them especially in winter to relax. I want to fill my home with nice scents and it’s fun to change the scent depending on my mood. I personally like natural smells like flower fragrances or woody scents. I’m using a woody scent right now at home, but I’ll change it when I feel like it.
Staff: Please share if you have any memories with candles.
Yoona: I guess birthday candles? (laughs) You have to blow out all the candles with one breath! If you blow them out with 2~3 breaths then your wish won’t come true! Til the very last candle! I’ve been mostly successful up until now! (laughs)
Staff: Do you put all the candles for your age on the birthday cake?
Yoona: I still put them all up (laughs). It’s because it doesn’t feel like a birthday if I don’t. But I think I will stop soon…I’ll probably just get the numeral candles for my age (laughs).
Staff: What image did you have when you made the botanical candles? Please share what you were particular about with the material and color selection, as well as your favorite part.
Yoona: I wanted to make the first one with large flowers, but it didn’t go well (laughs). I wanted to have the first one to have a feeling of spring, and the second one of autumn, but it was difficult. It was harder than I thought (laughs). It was more difficult than I imagined to neatly put in flowers into the candle container. There was no space in the container so the flower petals fell apart.
Staff: It seemed as if you were more bold with the first one than the second…
Yoona: What, I wanted to make the first one with more care (laughs). I wanted to show large flowers so that their petals could be easily seen, but the finished candle was different from my expectation. I wanted to place the petals well, but they wouldn’t listen to me (laughs).
I tried to place the flowers in the branches for the second one, but the branches were long and it was more difficult than the first candle. I couldn’t grasp the technique to place them well. I believe that the atmosphere I wanted came out as planned somewhat, but the details weren’t perfect. But since the atmosphere was as I imagined, well, it’s fine (laughs). The first one was bright and vivid yellow and pink, while the second one was toned down with purple and dark pink!
Staff: What kind of design would you make next time?
Yoona: I’d like to use more of the blank space next time. Today, I was so absorbed with adding everything that there was no beauty at all in the negative space… I want to make one that emphasizes the blank space with a few flowers added as points.
Staff: Please share what was the most difficult and the most enjoyable [from this experience].
Yoona: As expected, the flower placement was difficult. The instructor said that control of the tweezers and fingers was necessary to add the flowers where I wanted them, so I used them both as I was taught, but slight adjustments were hard. I was told that it would be better for a beginner to add a lot of toppings so that it fills up the space, so somehow or another I stuffed them up (laughs).
Just making something new by myself was enjoyable. It was really fun! They sell a lot of cute candles, but a one of a kind candle that can be made in your own style… that’s what made it fun♪
Staff: How did your candles come out?
Yoona: If I had to score my second candle, I guess 70 points? (laughs) I really like the ribbon wick! However, the first candle is also cute. I think they both came out cute♪ The first candle would be 75 points? (laughs) I believe it depends on what atmosphere you like. I have a feeling that if I made them again they’d be better (laughs). If I made one more for SONE JAPAN, I want to make a pink candle that’s filled with a lot of pink flower petals!! It’s the SONE color!
Staff: What were you most satisfied with? Please also share your thoughts on lighting the candles!
Yoona: The color combinations! I think they’re not bad (laughs). Since changing just one color would greatly change the feel, I was very particular with it. As expected I had a feeling of accomplishment when I tried lighting them (laughs). When I make something, of course I feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish it, but I have a greater sense of achievement when I actually use it!
Staff: You also made aroma candle sticks, but with what concept did you choose the colors and scents?
Yoona: This was my first time making aroma candle sticks, but since the season is winter (when the interview was conducted), I tried to make them to match the Christmas mood. I really like them so I want to bring them back home! Is that ok? (laughs) I like floral fragrances, but there are some floral scents that I don’t like and I don’t really like the scent of roses. I like scents that are not heavy and spread quickly even when lit, so I chose scents that are faint and will be fine for long hours for today’s candles!
Staff: How long do you usually keep aroma candles lit at home?
Yoona: I have one in my bedroom, and another in the living room. I use not only aroma candles, but also an air diffuser. I like things to have scents, so for a time I also used room sprays. I like to apply aroma oils on the back of my neck before going to bed! I wear perfume when I go out, but I like to relax with the scents of aroma oils at home.
Staff: What are your thoughts on the scents of the candle sticks you made today?
Yoona: The burgundy and purple candle’s fragrance is nice. It has a natural appeal. The woody and musk scent is pleasant!
Staff: The lovely appearance and aroma of botanical candles and aroma candles relax you, but what do you usually do to relax?
Yoona: I usually take baths to relax my body. I use nice smelling bath salts while taking them, so I also relax with the fragrance. Of course, I also relax with aroma candles.
Staff: If you were to put the botanical candles and aroma candles that you made today in your home, where would you place them? And when do you want to use them?
Yoona: My dining table? I think both the botanical candles and aroma candles would suit being placed there. I don’t usually light candles while eating, but I’d like to try placing them there to change the mood. I believe placing the botanical candles there would especially be cute. It would be good for parties as well. I wanted the aroma candle sticks to have a deep color and added a lot of dye, but I couldn’t bring out the color that I wanted no matter how much I added. If I had the chance to make them again, I want to try pastel colors!
Staff: If you were to use the candles that you made today with another member, who would it be and how would you like to spend your time?
Yoona: All of the members like fragrances. Taeyeon and Yuri are especially interested in fragrances so I’d like to recommend those two! If I was to use today’s candles, I’d like to light them at the dorm and talk with everyone. Taeyeon has a lot of knowledge when it comes to fragrances so I believe she’d definitely like them!
Staff: How was it performing in the movie, “EXIT”, that was shown even in Japan last November? Did you hear any reactions from the members?
Yoona: I’m very happy that so many people went to see “EXIT”. I was always running and jumping off from high places during filming, and it was very hard filming from summer to winter, but for all that hardship, I’m very happy that the completed movie was loved so much! I wanted to show everyone a new me through this movie. The members saw the movie during the advanced screening, and they said that it was very interesting and how hard it must have been. And then we all had a great time imitating the SOS signal gesture that was in the movie (laughs).
Staff: This SONE NOTE LIVE is scheduled to be released in April. Spring has the impression of being the season for a new start, so do you have anything you would like to start doing?
Yoona: Rather than start something, I would like to be a little more serious with something that I’m usually interested in, such as exercise or cooking. I especially have a lot of interest in cooking, so I’d like to do it more frequently! There’s no point in not continuing something that you’re interested in. For example, wouldn’t it be bad if I say that I like cooking and that my best dish is fried rice, and then later on have that same person ask me what I’ve made recently, only to say friend rice again? (laughs) So I want to further my experience and ability! I can’t grow by stopping at just having an interest!
Staff: Please share if there any recent episodes of you talking, hanging out, or having fun with the other members!
Yoona: Recently, when it’s a member’s birthday we all send congratulatory messages to them. We always share our schedules with each other and respond regularly to messages, and we all support each other! That reminds me, the other day Seohyun sent a picture in the group chat, but she immediately deleted it. She said that she deleted it because she accidentally sent it, but all the members joked in the chat what they thought the picture was and teased Seohyun (laughs).
Staff: Finally, a message for SONE JAPAN please!
Yoona: I wanted the botanical candle to come out better, but since it’s made by an amateur so please be lenient (laughs). I put my heart into it! I talk to the members all the time, but the Japan tours were all great memories and we want to see you all! I always want to walk with you all. Everyone, please stay healthy! I’m always grateful for you.